
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

This book guides us through this fictional world where Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect will travel around the universe, meeting people and getting into situations that will make us laugh, but also makes us to think about deep questions and behaviors we have and could make even a mentality change for us, at leas for me it was. One of my favorite scenarios is at the beginning when we read this ironic scene first as Arthur getting his house destroyed by some men, with this excuse of blaming Arthur for not checking the plans for a roads construction; just being followed by some aliens doing exactly the same for our planet, getting it destroyed. This is a funny situation as an hypothetical one, but when we think a little more about it, we can find this empathy lesson, for us not to just look at our position, but to think in the other person and to have considerations it's a difficult thing, and I take this as a lesson for us, don't be a son of a b$%*! One of my favorite characters ...

Mother of Compilers

Everyone who ever studied the history of the computers can notice that women's paper into this is pretty underrated and is difficult to find the actual recognition that they deserve. Grace Hopper is a clear example of this, I've never heard of her and just from this two small pieces of history that we read and watch it's clear to me that this woman was a real breakthrough for the contemporary programming. First thing to notice and that was actually impressive to me is for her getting the charge that he got, practically becoming the second in charge for it's department during the WW2, that's a reality that was reflected in movies like "Hidden Figures", where some women was just considered for the hard work in calculations, but not getting any recognition and even rejection from their own colleagues. An interesting point here is that, even with her context and the non tell histories that she must go through, it's put in evidence during the documentary ...

Internals of GCC

The article makes a quick walk trough around the process that involves the compilation, same that is reiterated that must be known by the programmers, not because of it's imperative to understand every detail of the process, but the focus of the interview in this topic goes to the notion of the base of the modern programming is on the shoulders of the compilers and it's phases. Not understanding compilers isn't bad, but it's necessary for us to know at least the bases. I found amazing the way that the interviewee talks about the GNU compiler collection as he does, showing us the effort that was made for making it the most flexible and portable, making it compatible to many of the OS, and the focus that is for giving every input as text to convert it into a generic document that will became machine code for it's executing. This reflex for us the amount and importance of the work that it's done for the actual programming languages to progress. This article the...

The Hundred-Year Language

For me, this article seemed extremely repetitive for the things that it wanted to express, just giving more and more "examples" and over explaining the same concepts one, two or even three times, not only making it really slow, but also having us reading about how would the 100 years language would be, with the same 2 declarations. The future's language will have less "waste of time" for the programmers, and will have the least axioms for the basis of this language. One of the most interesting topics that are treated is for the programming languages not been able to evolve at the same rate that the general technology are doing. This makes a little more easy to explore the possibilities for the future 100 years, but have the issues that are described, like to not knowing if even the programming languages will still exist then. Even considering the complexity of this labor, the basis that this article takes for concluding that the way of programming it's act...

Making Compiler Design Relevant for Students who will (most likely) Never Design a Compiler

This article is pretty interesting, mostly for the nature of the topic that it's treating, and it's curious the focus on the utility around having a compiler design course. The first interesting thing for me is the intention of the author around giving "real life" examples for applications of the knowledge that you can obtain into the compiler's course. The first example that the article gives us is the usage of translation as the base for interesting programs, being the first one translating plain text into graphics, this one is very clear even having some phases just the same as the ones that we get in the compiling process, having as utility to understand this process in order to facilitate the solution of the graphics problem. Just in the same thinking line we have the translation from a LaTeX document formatting to an HTML format. Even as described, that this problem has not the same "translating phases" but even with that, at least the initial ...


Hello everyone, well, going fast: my full name is Natanael Pérez Bucio and I'm currently studying the Computer Science major at Monterrey Institute of Technology, the Mexico's State Campus. I've been studying at this campus for 6 and a half years. Even when I've decided to study an TI focused major I had several options based in my interests, having as options a Film Major, a Mathematics Major and even a Philosophy Major. Finally I decided to study Computer Science because I felt more secure in my programming and understanding skills, also is one of the topics that few people understand and it may be a really important advantage for my professional life; it's really polymorphic and give enough options for professional growth on any matter. About my hobbies and my topics of interest I can tell you that I love movies, specially the cult, the independent, the social criticism, the mockumentary and the superhero movies; but I enjoy looking at any movie. R...